Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Says Who?!?

I'm on my soapbox again.  I kinda like it here.  ;)

I want to tell you that you can accomplish whatever you really set your heart to.  There will always be doubters, those who just can't conceive the level of greatness that you are capeable of.  They can't see themselves being great and this clouds their view of everyone else's abilities.  They think that being average is just normal.  That is sad.  Very sad.

Who says that you can't lose those last few pounds?  Who says that you can't get your degree and land your dream job?  WHO SAYS YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR HEART TO???

You might actually have an answer to that question.  There might be someone in your life who says that you'll never reach your goals.  There might be someone toxic who just can't see past the end of their own nose.  If this is the case, I am so sorry.  All you can do is love them and pray for them.  Meanwhile, you HAVE to decide that they are entitled to their opinion but you have an opinion too.  And your opinion is that you WILL succeed!  You can do all things thru Christ who strengthens you! (Philipians 4:13) 

In the end the only one who has any real control over what you accomplish is you!  So pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make the choice to succeed.  You can do it!
Happy Tuesday, dear reader!

1 comment:

Miguel said...

Yer talking about George-of-the Doubters here, right?