Thursday, October 6, 2011

I think I need a bigger suitcase...

In my last post I mentioned that I need to rediscover my mojo.  Could be quite a journey to find it and I need to bring along the whole family without disrupting their regular daily lives. Hmmmmmm... let's see, what to pack?
  1. My Bible.  It's gonna be imperative that I not lose sight of where my character and priorities need to come from.
  2. My computer.  For obvious reasons.  :)
  3. Nutritious whole foods.
  4. My supplement cupboard.  Yup, I got a whole cupboard full!
  5. My workout room.  Yup, I got a whole room just for working out!
WOW!  That's gonna be one heavy suitcase already!  Perhaps I'll take my journey right from my own lovely little home.

You know, this writing things down is really good for me.  It's making me think and reminding me of just how much I have to be grateful for.  For instance... 

 I seriously really do have an entire cupboard FULL of "supps"!  So what the heck is my excuse for not taking them every single day???  How is it that they stare me in the face and I look at them and say, "No thank you "supps", I don't feel like taking you today."?  'Splain me that one!

I wasn't kidding when I said I have an entire room just for working out.  Right in my own home, directly beneath where I am currently throned I have: a Bowflex Extreme II, a Shredmill (thanks, Donloree :) an ellipitical, a trampoline, free weights, a stepper, a Fluidity bar, 2 Swiss balls, an enormous collection of workout videos and more!  Sooooo..... the million dollar question is: What the heck is my excuse for not using them every single day?????

OOOOOHHHHH I know, I know!!!  I don't bother to prioritize!  I am sitting on my duff and watching life pass me by.   WEll!  No more!  I tell you right now, here on this page:  "CARLENE IS GETTING OFF HER DUFF!"   (Sorry about all the caps.  The baby is asleep and yelling thru my keyboard is a great release.)  There will be success!  I will succeed!  I can be a good mom, a good wife, a good daughter, a good friend and still take care of myself.  I can do it and I will do it.  "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME"!

Whew!  It won't be easy but I know that it'll be worth it!  Let's get started! 

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