In case you weren't aware, I live in Michigan. On the east side of the state, where I live, we're experiencing our first snowfall of the year. I am originally from the west side of the state which receives much more snow so the snow over here hasn't slowed me down yet. It's like comparing an avalanche to a light dusting, really.
One of the things that I enjoy about living where I do now is that when it snows at all it actually slows a lot of people down and our road crews take really good care to clean off our roads well. Love it!
There is a point to all this, promise! ;) I got to the gym this morning and the freeweight room was E - M - P - T - Y! Party time! Oh, but wait.... my workout wasn't in the freeweight room today. "WH WH WHAT???? Ok, oh well, everybody's just running late because of the snow. It'll fill up soon, you're not missing anything, Carlene." A hour later, I went back to the freeweight room to grab an attachment I needed for my next exercise. "WHAT THE H - E - DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS??? There's still nobody in here! Grrrrr! Now I'm mad!" I returned to the room I was using, finished my workout and went back to the freeweight room to return the attachment I'd borrowed. One little, old man was in there by himself, doing therapeutic exercises for his rotator cuff. Bless his heart. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been in my way.
How ironic! A completely empty freeweight room on a day that I don't need it. I'm sorry, lonely freeweight room, I promise to come back soon!
That stinks! I hope that next time, it's your free weight day!
I was really fortunate the other day when we got our bad snow. Our gym was a ghost town too! It was like a play land of awesome! =)
Gee honey, its been a while since you posted. Your fans including me miss you.
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